by the sad demise of grandma some days brought back some childhood
memories of the life those days and the questions on afterlife.
generation gone!"...a blank face of dada, whom I've not been fortune
enough to see; a religious face of dadi, who was such a strong lady to do all
her chores herself even past 90; an encouraging face of nana, who would inspire
us to touch the sky; and finally a loving face of nani, who would disclose the
mommisms and shower all the goodies....all stood frozen in the mind! There's
always a special relation with the grandparents....when your parents are strict
to you, it's their parents who are the authority to appeal!
Whatever has happened can't be reversed, the shared memories will forever bind all of us together!
Whatever has happened can't be reversed, the shared memories will forever bind all of us together!
beyond life?” is a question that catches every child's imagination. Whether it
will be the familiar face of the Gods and Goddesses in heaven that we try
to appease once in a while? Or the demons in hell! Whether it will be the scary
face of ghosts that we saw in those horror shows? Or the angels in fairy tales!
Whether it will just be a new face, a a prince or a pauper, a
human or an animal, on earth or on a distant planet?
Whatever is to happen can't be prevented,
for now it's just good to be in the state of eternal oblivion!
will those days return, nor will those questions be answered...but it reaffirms
the premise of living life to the fullest. And for both the believers as well
as the non-believers of the 2012 doomsday theory, a message to live every single
moment like there's no tomorrow!
(Funeral song from the play