Monday, March 03, 2008

Jab We Met :)

I recollected Data Analysis, in sampling the right men - of my kind
Utilized Business Research in bearing hypothesis results in my mind
Manipulated Financial Accounting, to reduce my long term liability
And figured Cost Accounting, while increasing my net profitability
I imagined Systems Thinking and saw helicopter-view of his charm
Learnt Business Communication, to write love letters with no harm
Remembered Professional Development, to build-up our courtship
And checked Legal Aspects for our mutually beneficial relationship

I exploited Operations Management, in coming online just-in-time
Applied Services Operation, while queuing friends, for this pastime
Understood Investment Banking, to derive the time-buckets to chat
And revealed Portfolio Management, to exercise call, say howzzat?
I handled Financial Management in finding the value of dating time
Required Corporate Finance, to swap real option against study time
Examined Financial Services, while testing his stand-alone viability
And strengthened Financial Markets, to derive my lifetime security

I applied Marketing Management, during my long shopping thrifts
Related Economics Principles, in demand & supply of special gifts
Required Working Capital, to improve my diminishing cash-cycle
And utilized Logistics, while routing his vehicle - that’s motorcycle
I sought Total Quality, in visiting only ISO certified shopping mall
Noticed Computational Finance, in clustering around the fancy stall
Verified Operations Research, to test duality of the gifted gemstone
And saw Supply Chain to play beer game in the entertainment zone

I shared Information Systems for networking during our matrimony
Developed Heuristics when we went for our reception at ant colony
Valued Systems Design, as the food was good at the function point
And used Enterprise Planning as service offering did not disappoint
I tried Project Management, when we planned our work breakdown
No Competitive Intelligence! Honeymoon at blue ocean, Cape Town
Learnt Systems Management to manage incidents at this young age
And saw Business Model best-fit for marriage for our life-cycle stage

I learnt Strategic Management while growing along this value chain
Enacted IT Consulting, through a role play, in each of these domain
Appreciated Organizational Structure, during this culture of change
And expanded Business Domain for providing services in exchange
I valued Organizational Behavior to motivate him n resolve conflict
And applied HR Management by giving incentive, so he’s my addict
All along these texts and jargons, don’t you wonder who is “he” ??
So breaking the secret, pretty simple, me and my MBA degree :) 
(For Reflections: DoMS, Batch of '08)